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    Name : Anatomic Therapy Foundation
    Bank : State Bank of India
    A/c No : 33618417146
    Branch - Kovaipudur Branch, Coimbatore. Tamilnadu - India.
    IFSC Code : SBIN0015472

  • Account Number

    Name : Anatomic Therapy Foundation
    Address : No x-172 North Housing Unit, Perur Main Road. Selvapuram, Coimbatore - 641026. Tamilnadu - India.
    Mobile : +91-9944221007
    Mobile : +91-9842452508

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As we go by the saying, "Kattradhu kai man alavu kalladhadhu ulagalavu", which means 'What you have learnt is just a drop, what you haven't learnt is an ocean.' There is so much to learn and a world full of people to learn it from. Your knowledge is valuable and it is worth sharing. Please share your knowledge with us so we can reach it to the mass and make sure it benefits them as well.
If you have got any DVDs, audios or books to share with us you can send them through courier or you can mail it to or
Your knowledge is not only valuable to us, it can also be valuable to your circle of people, neighbors, relatives and friends. So we request you to share our DVDs books and audios to others if and only if you found it useful
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"Making a Difference Together"

International volunteers play a crucial role in supporting healthcare systems around the world. From medical missions in underserved regions to vaccination campaigns, these volunteers contribute to improving health outcomes and addressing pressing public health challenges.

International volunteers play a crucial role in supporting healthcare systems around the world. these volunteers contribute to improving health outcomes and addressing pressing public health challenges.
International volunteers play a crucial role in supporting healthcare systems around the world.

Question & Answer

It is best to book an appointment in-person prior to your visit to the centers, as same day appointments may not always be available. You can book an appointment by visiting one of the centers in-person.

It depends on the availability of slots for consultation.

Yes, there is a nominal consultation fee. The respective centers can be contacted for the fee.

The appointment requires up to 1 to 2 hours, including the registration process, consulting the doctor and purchasing medicines. Please plan accordingly.

You can choose a doctor of your choice, if appointments are available. However, all our doctors are trained in an integrated approach of intervention and can recommend the best that each system of medicine can offer to your specific medical condition.

It is best to book an appointment in-person prior to your visit to the centers, as same day appointments may not always be available. You can book an appointment by visiting one of the centers in-person.

It depends on the availability of slots for consultation.

Yes, there is a nominal consultation fee. The respective centers can be contacted for the fee.

The appointment requires up to 1 to 2 hours, including the registration process, consulting the doctor and purchasing medicines. Please plan accordingly.

You can choose a doctor of your choice, if appointments are available. However, all our doctors are trained in an integrated approach of intervention and can recommend the best that each system of medicine can offer to your specific medical condition.

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